The Sims Canival: Snapcity [FULL ISO]

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Tentang Game
The Sims Carnival: Snap City is a puzzle based spin-off of SimCity. It comes with the The SimCity Box software bundle. Gameplay The game is played by placing residential, commercial, and
industrial zones, which consist of tiles that fall like in Tetris, onto flat map. If the player gets enough zones placed next to each other, he or she can build a special zone where civic buildings like schools and parks can be built.[1] Zones must be connected by roads to develop. Natural disasters can also occur, which harm the city's treasury.[2] There are two main game modes; creative mode and story
mode. In creative mode, the player can play however he or
she wants, but in story mode there are a total of 25 goals in
different cities that the player has to accomplish.



Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Pentium III 1GHz Processor
60MG Hard Disk Space
DirectX 7
DirectX 7 Compatible 3D Video Card DirectX Certified Sound Card


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